The Moral of the Story is...
2 to 10 players, 6 minutes per round, ages 14 and up

Tales of the Fabulist is a party game, an improvisation system, a drinking game, an interactive fiction device, an ice-breaker at retreats, the best family game night experience ever, and an excellent gift for that creative person you want to get something for, but just don't know what.

An example of cards from the deck
Box contents

Complete Game Box

Everything you need to play is in the box! Quest, character, plot twists, a 30-second sand timer, instructions & a paper playmat.

14 by 24 neoprene playmat

Upgraded Playmat

The basic game box comes with a paper playmat, and is very playable. But this is a rather luxurious 14" by 24" mat, and we couldn't fit it into the basic game box. It absolutely elevates the experience, and is totally worth it.

Quick start instructions

How to Play

For thousands of years, people have gathered socially in caves, around campfires, around kitchen tables.

Since humans could talk, the favorite form of entertainment has been storytelling--and most of it was made up nonsense.

It’s not quite a lost art, but most people don’t feel comfortable or creative enough to tell a fish tale or spin a yarn without a little help.

Tales of the Fabulist is a quick and easy way to beguile your friends with gut-busting laughter while fanning the tiny creative spark that we’ve all neglected.

You don’t have to be William Shakespeare to have a great time making sh*t up regaling your loved ones with a fabricated fable.

And you can do it in 6 minutes flat.

Critical Reception

Meet Some of the Cast

Meet Ahnowd
Meet Angus
Meet Alex
Meet Azul
Meet Jane
Meet Danny
Meet Monte
Meet Dribbler
Meet Pokey
Meet Edgar
Meet Sierra
Meet Edwin